Solana erëm gelueft vum Buterin, Präis klëmmt 10%

Net laang hier, Live Bitcoin Neiegkeeten en Artikel publizéiert talking about how poorly the Solana cryptocurrency was doing. The asset was crashing and burning likely due to its ties to the now fallen crypto exchange FTX and its disgraced head executive Sam Bankman-Fried, and while things aren’t fully looking up for the currency just yet, it’s garnering a heavy load of support from crypto developers such as Vitalik Buterin, the co-creator of popular crypto network Ethereum.

Solana Has Recorded a Price Jump

In the previous article, it was discussed that Solana has deep ties to the fallen exchange and has since crashed by more than 96 percent since reaching an all-time high during the month of November 2021. During that time, it was trading for just shy of $260 per unit. At the time of the FTX bankruptcy, the currency had fallen to less than ten dollars.

Solana’s ties to FTX are so thick that it’s often dubbed “Sam Coin” in Éier vum Sam Bankman-Fried (net esou eng grouss Éier méi). De Verméigen huet Linken op en on-chain Krypto-Austausch bekannt als Serum, deen och vum Bankman-Fried erstallt gouf. Solana gëtt vun der Solana Blockchain erausginn, déi de Moment an dezentraliséierte Finanzen (Defi) Protokoller engagéiert a monetär Produkter wéi Prêten an Hypotheken ubitt.

Things do appear to be changing for the currency, however. At least on a temporary basis. At the time of writing, the altcoin has recorded a surge of approximately ten percent thanks to some positive words delivered on its behalf by Vitalik Buterin. In a recent tweet, the Ethereum front man said:

E puer schlau Leit soen mir datt et eng eescht Smart Entwécklergemeinschaft zu Solana ass, an elo datt déi schrecklech opportunistesch Suen ausgewäsch goufen, huet d'Kette eng hell Zukunft. Schwéier fir mech vu baussen ze soen, awer ech hoffen, datt d'Gemeinschaft seng fair Chance kritt fir ze fléien.

During its peak, Solana had a market capitalization of about $80 billion, and while this is not comparable to bitcoin or even Ethereum, the number is considered relatively impressive for a secondary altcoin.

Sadly, given the bear market conditions the crypto world is facing and the sudden problems surrounding FTX, that market cap has since fallen to about $4 billion. This is a dip of more than 90 percent at press time. Overall, the crypto space has lost more than $2 trillion in valuation in the last several months.

Zousätzlech Ënnerstëtzung

Solana has also gotten support from the likes of tech and crypto moguls Chamath Palihapitiya and David Sacks. On a recent podcast episode, Palihapitiya said of Solana:

I was able to see a little bit under the hood of Solana Pay, and that’s really exciting. [Solana and blockchain] is like a swarm of activity to dismantle these payments businesses.

Tags: FTX, Solana, vitalik Buterin
