Comic-Con Guru erkläert firwat Storytelling de Schlësselkomponent fir erfollegräich NFT Projeten ass

In the most recent episode, Comic-Con legend, Gareb Shamus diskutéiert how he has used storytelling to build engagement and a “maker world” that grows and strengthens communities.

What started off as a newsletter about comics, founder Gareb Shamus’ passion project, ultimately became known to the world as a magazine titled Wizard. According to Shamus, Wizard  was the outlet in which he could “create a voice” and share with his friends the things he had discovered that excited him.

Shamus touched on the importance of building elements of engagement and not limiting creativity within communities to further “unite them around what they love.” More importantly, he explains how building engagement allowed him to reach billions of people around the world in a way that made it “fun to be a fan of culture.”

There’s a natural synergy between comics and nonfungible tokens (NFTs), a topic discussed in great depth in this week’s episode of NFT Steez, a bi-weekly Twitter Space that explores the intersection of NFTs, culture and all things Web3-related.

"Mir musse Storytelling förderen"

When asked about the role storytelling will play in the Kumite NFT project, Shamus explained that Web3 allows for greater participation and engagement whereby multiple stories, from multiple points of view can be told and expressed. In launching Kumite NFT, Shamus describes that it brings the hero’s journey to holders and in this way, “everyone can be a hero in their journey.” 

Regarding the sustainability of an NFT project, Shamus said for Kumite, it was essential to develop a “gaming mechanic” from day one. This gaming mechanic enables holders to not only participate, but recognize the story is not linear as the community can participate and have a say as to how the story will progress.

Iwwerleeung zukünfteg Trends fir Web3

Wéi gefrot iwwer zukünfteg Trends fir NFTs, Communautéit a Web3, ass de Shamus op d'Been erausgaang an huet virgeschloen datt et sécherlech e Schëld vun enger "Moral Richtlinne muss ginn", awer dat ultimativt Zil fir dës onerkannt Territoiren vum Web3 z'erméiglechen ass d'Leit z'erméiglechen. fir "hir Kreativitéit ze entdecken."

Rather than assuming the team behind Kumite would take full control of the project’s lore, Shamus believes that would be a “mistake.” Instead of choosing where the narrative will go, holders can create and develop the story of their respective characters because according to Shamus, the fans can very well “create better stories” than the team could.

Placing restraints on creativity is the way “it’s always been,” says Shamus and Web3 and NFTs have unlocked the means to tap into “global creativity,” especially when it comes to storytelling. The most exciting element of limitless creativity Shamus says is, “you don’t know where it’s going to go,” and therein lies the fun.

For more on the chat with Comic-Con founder, Gareb Shamus, make sure to lauschtert op déi ganz Episod vun NFT Steez!

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