Tether lancéiert stabil britesch Pond GBPt

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Gamza Khanzadaev

Stablecoin gepecht op britesch Pond offiziell vun Tether ugekënnegt

Halter ugekënnegt plangt e Stablecoin ze lancéieren, deen un de britesche Pond Sterling, GBPt, gepecht ass. Am Ufank wäert de GBPt stablecoin, wéi ëmmer, op der Ethereum Blockchain verfügbar sinn. D'Mënz gëtt schonn am nächste Mount, am Juli, verëffentlecht. No sengem Start wäert GBPt sech an d'Tether Storefront bäitrieden, déi scho sou Mënzen enthält, déi mat sou nationalen Währungen wéi USDt, EURt, MXNt an CNHt gebonnen sinn.

According to Tether CTO Paolo Ardoino, the launch of the GBP-pegged stablecoin appears to be in harmony with the United Kingdom’s plans to become a global crypto hub and the widespread implementation of blockchain both in financial markets and in the lives of ordinary British people.

Kontroversiell Verbindung

The funny thing is that this news contains a lot of contradictions on both sides. In the case of Tether, the controversy has to do with the company’s reserves, which are collateral for every stablecoin the company issues.

Zënter de leschte Méint huet den Tether sech ofgeschnidden Tapéit datt et keng Garantien feelt a Berichter iwwer seng Zesummesetzung verstoppt. Investisseuren waren besonnesch verschlechtert wann éischt Terra d'UST an dann Tron USDD ënner méiglech Ugrëff koum an hir Holdings verluer. Trotz der Tatsaach, datt béid algorithmesch Stablecoins waren, wat eng aner Technologie ass wéi déi vun Tether benotzt, ass déi lescht nach ëmmer ënner vill Drock vun der Krypto Gemeinschaft.


In the case of the UK, however, the controversy arises in the field of acceptance and Legaliséierung of cryptocurrencies. On the one hand, not earlier than two weeks ago, officials from the Ministry of Finance of the country ugekënnegt Pläng to implement blockchain technology on financial markets and turn the UK into a global crypto hub. On the other hand, the Bank of England, one of the leading financial institutions of the country, repeatedly in recent months ëffentlech zougänglech sinn dréckt säi Mësstrauen un d'Krypto-Währungen aus, an stablecoins besonnesch.

Despite Ardoino’s assurances, it seems that with this attitude from UK regulators, a lot of work will have to be done on all fronts to fully implement GBPt into the UK system.

Quell: https://u.today/tether-launches-stable-british-pound-sterling-gbpt