Spooky Saison: Poieeeyee x Reddit leid kolossal 69% Verloscht, Méi dynamesch NFT Project Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) séier Ausverkaaft Virverkaf

The new Poieeeyee x Reddit collection does not look like it is going to plan – it seems as though all the excitement did very little to mitigate the 69% loss in value.

Meanwhile, Orbeon’s first stage presale is currently experiencing outlandish success, and it is expected to reach up to 6000% by its close. Let’s take a look at these two projects.


What Happened To Poieeeyee x Reddit’s Project?

Poieeeyee’s x Reddit’s NFT project was enjoying significant attention from investors after release, however just a few days afterwards both trading volume and the floor price of the collection fell significantly.

In reality, there are a variety of factors that played a role in Poieeeyee x Reddit’s downfall. Firstly, the market is in a terrible position at the minute, having barely started recovering from the huge crash at the end of 2021.

For this reason, projects are taking hits all across the board, and anything that is not able to provide sufficient utility or security is being pushed to the wayside in favour of more useful options.

Secondly; this type of project has been done before. An NFT art collection is certainly nothing new, and for all intents and purposes, Poieeeyee x Reddit’s project provides little to no uniqueness compared to the current market.

Things may have been different in more forgiving markets, but alas, this is not the case. Poieeeyee x Reddit’s project has drastically underperformed, and with 69% value loss investors are dubious about the future of the Poieeeyee x Reddit collection.

The Overwhelming Success of the Orbeon Protocol

Orbeon protocol, a new blockchain investment platform, has attracted massive attention from the crypto community due to its significant utility and unique approach to crowdfunding.

Orbeon Protocol is disrupting the venture capital industry by allowing startups to raise capital quickly and efficiently on its web3 platform. This is accomplished by minting these unique investment opportunities as fractionalised NFTs, which are then sold to eager investors as their investment in the company. These fractionalised NFTs are priced as low as $1, and this lowers the barrier to entry for venture capital investment significantly.

Perhaps the main difference between Poieeeyee x Reddit’s project and Orbeon Protocol is that of utility. Poieeeyee x Reddit’s project is not able to offer anywhere near the level of utility that the Orbeon Protocol can, and this is reflected in the current interest surrounding the ORBN token. This native utility token of the Orbeon ecosystem provides holders with benefits ranging from access to exclusive investor groups, staking bonuses and much more.

This innovative platform has garnered the interest of investors worldwide, and going by the current data, its respective token is soon going to become one of the top options on the market.

Most experts agree that a 6000% increase in value will be seen by the end of presale, leading the price to jump from $0.004 to $0.24.

 Fannt méi iwwer den Orbeon Protokoll Virverkaf eraus

Websäit: https://orbeonprotocol.com/

Virverkaaf: https://presale.orbeonprotocol.com/register

Telegramm: https://t.me/OrbeonProtocol

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/11/05/spooky-season-poieeeyee-x-reddit-suffers-colossal-69-loss-more-dynamic-nft-project-orbeon-protocol-orbn-rapidly-selling-out-presale/