Cardano NFT: Kabuki Tokyo - De Kryptonomist

Dësen Invité vun der Woch op der Cardano NFT Kolonn ass eng anime Projet mat de meeschte Teammemberen aus Japan, déi an der Ethereum NFT Welt erfollegräich waren: Kabuki Tokyo.

Gast vun der leschter Woch war eng project that is building the most epic fantasy universe to experience our love for fantasy and share meaningful experiences.

Dës Initiativ ass e Referenzpunkt fir NFTs op Cardano an all Woch oder zwou wäerte mir een invitéieren fir e puer Froen ze beäntweren an eis ze ginn en Update direkt aus der Cardano Gemeinschaft.

Bedenkt datt vill vun eise Lieser nei am Krypto-Raum sinn, mir wäerten eng Mix vun einfachen an technesche Froen.

Cardano NFT project: Kabuki Tokyo

Kabuki Tokyo
Cardano NFT project Kabuki Tokyo aims to create a solid intellectual property

Hey, welcome. Please introduce your team, where are you from, what are your backgrounds?

The team is composed of almost all members from Japan. Ech sinn Yuri and I’m a CNFT enthusiast an en aktive Member vun der Japan Cardano Community. I have been a producer of Pokémon events, an eis CTO Hayatti ass eent vun de famous NFT influencers in Japan

Shima Eng ass eis Organisateur and has been a character designer of Konami Digital Entertainment and she is a successful artist in the Ethereum space. ADA NinjaZ is helping us market our project to the West

We are thus composed of Japanese who have succeeded in Ethereum and who have a deep connection to Cardano and CNFT.

What is Kabuki Tokyo? How are you utilizing NFTs and why have you chosen Cardano?

Kabuki Tokyo is an anime NFT project that aims to create a solid IP (Intellectual Property) with the strong international community of Cardano, déi Japanese NFT community, An engem proven Japanese artist and production team

At the core of this IP are our fënnef Zeechen from completely different backgrounds. Each of them was born in a different place, but ended up in Tokyo Roppongi, where they are bounty hunters as hackers called Kabuki Mono. By becoming Kabuki Mono, they are trying to do what they think is right. They are trying to make a place for themselves by pursuing justice, while cooperating with and deceiving each other.

We will provide our NFT holders with governance to determine the content of the project and to participate in events. We will also onboard many Japanese artists in the future so that our NFT holders will have access to the work of Japanese artists who migrate to Cardano.

Kabuki Tokyo
3 of the 5 characters from Kabuki Tokyo who are pursuing justice

Mir hunn Cardano gewielt wéinst senger solidity, safety, and good environmental performance. And also because of the community that Cardano has, an atmosphere that is inclusive of people of all races and that can develop in cooperation with other projects, which is exactly what we thought would be appropriate for creating IP by an international community.

How do Japanese people view crypto and blockchain? How are you planning to bring more Japanese NFT fans to Cardano?

A Japan, many people still view crypto and blockchain as something dubious. However, with the recent announcement that a large Japanese company has decided to adopt Cardano's Atala PRISM technology to conduct a Japanese government-led DID demonstration, I believe that people’s attitudes will gradually change.

NFT fans in Japan are growing, with many projects that have recently been minted coming in the top 100 of OpenSea in terms of daily trading volume. This is surprising considering that almost exclusively Japanese NFT projects in Japan are purchased by almost only Japanese people.

And through this project, we hope that many creators will also publish NFT on Cardano. We would also like to partner with successful Japanese projects in Ethereum and with other organizations and companies in promotion and other activities to encourage them to enter the CNFT through our projects. So now we’re working to make big news in Japan by doing social activities with our partners and organizing events with our partner projects.

What excites you the most about bringing NFT technology into the manga and anime world? In what ways will this innovation involve the viewers and fans?

Our NFTs serves as a function of governance. Bis elo, manga and anime have been created by a limited number of talented people and minds, such as editors and mangaka at publishing companies. By using the governance function of NFTs, we will create a new form of international IP that incorporates the input of many people’s brains and cultural backgrounds.

Kabuki Tokyo NFT
3 of the 5 characters from the Kabuki Tokyo NFT project on Cardano

Et ass besonnesch expensive to produce animation. But with the new funding method using NFTs, and as our community grows, there will be many sponsors for the community. As community members enjoy each NFT collection and community-driven IP development, it would be truly wonderful if we could create something that the community could consider their own anime by a proven Japanese anime company.

Grousse Bäitrag. All lescht Gedanken? Wou kënne Leit a Kontakt bleiwen?

We are very much looking forward to working with the wonderful members of the CNFT community to spread the word about CNFT and our project in Japan, and to create an international IP with you through this project.

Our Genesis direction with the governance function of the project is scheduled to Mint at the end of September or beginning of October.

If you want to know more about us, you can get information by visiting us on Twitter an Schwaarz.

We are still distributing WL in various places, so please join our community.

Verzichterklärung: D'Meenungen an d'Meenungen vun de Leit, déi interviewt sinn, sinn hir eege a reflektéieren net onbedéngt déi vun der Cardano Foundation oder IOG. Ausserdeem ass dësen Inhalt fir pädagogesch Zwecker, et stellt keng finanziell Berodung aus.
