Shiba Inu Präisanalyse: SHIB gitt bearish Domain op $0.00002144

TL; DR Zerfall

  • Shiba Inu Präisanalyse ass haut bearish.
  • Staark Resistenz bei $0.00002673.
  • De Präis bei der Ouverture vun den Handelsaktien SHIB.

Haut ass Shiba Inu Präis analysis displays a solid bearish movement in the market, and the market moves towards a significantly negative direction, declining the price of SHIB significantly. However, the cost of SHIB experienced a value decline and reached $0.00002143, from $0.00002227; on March 14, 2022, SHIB/USD lost further momentum and obtained a massive decreasing movement the following day.

Today, on March 15, 2022, the price has been experiencing massive ups and downs, causing the price of SHIB to crash to the $0.00002144 mark. Furthermore, the cryptocurrency shows downside risks and is following a downward trend. SHIB currently trades at $0.00002144 and has been down 2.53% in the last 24-hours with a trading volume of $662,278,116. SHIB currently ranks #15 with a live market cap of $11,750,130,902.

SHIB / USD 4-Stonn Analyse: Rezent Entwécklungen

D'Shiba Inu Präisanalyse huet de Maart no engem zolitte bearish Trend opgedeckt. Wéi och ëmmer, d'Mäertvolatilitéit klëmmt liicht, d'Resistenz an d'Ënnerstëtzung forcéiere sech auserneen ze bewegen, wat de Präis vun der Krypto-Währung méi ufälleg fir Volatilitéitsschwankungen mécht. Dofir ass déi iewescht Limit vun der Bollinger Band präsent bei $0.00002269, wat als stäerkste Resistenz fir SHIB handelt. Ëmgekéiert ass déi ënnescht Limit vun der Bollinger Band verfügbar op $0.00002134, wat als déi stäerkst Ënnerstëtzung fir SHIB handelt.

The SHIB/USD price appears to be crossing under the Moving Average curve, making the market bearish. Moreover, the price seems to move downward, almost meeting the support. If the price and support meet, it will break the market and reverse the market trend. However, the support also moves downward as the volatility increases, away from the resistance.

Shiba Inu price analysis: SHIB enters bearish domain at $0.00002144 1
SHIB/USD 4-Stonne Präis Chart Quell: TradingView

The Shiba Inu price analysis reveals that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) score is 37, making SHIB/USD fall in the undervalued region. However, the RSI follows a downward trend indicating a decreasing market and dominance of selling activity. The SHIB market seems to be in pretty bad shape as the market offers further decline.

Shiba Inu Präisanalyse fir 1-Dag: Maart mécht op

D'Shiba Inu Präisanalyse huet e bearish Maart opgedeckt. Ausserdeem schéngt d'Volatilitéit vum Maart e klengen Ouverturestrend ze verfollegen, wat dem Shiba Inu säi Präis méi vulnérabel fir Volatilitéitsschwankungen mécht. Als Resultat ass déi iewescht Limit vun der Bollinger Band op $ 0.00002673 präsent, wat als stäerkste Resistenz fir SHIB déngt. Ëmgekéiert existéiert déi ënnescht Limit vun der Bollinger Band op $0.00002063, wat als déi stäerkst Ënnerstëtzung fir SHIB handelt.

The SHIB/USD price appears to cross under the curve of the Moving Average, signifying a bearish movement. On the other hand, the price seems to follow a linear activity, showing a constantly decreasing market.

Shiba Inu price analysis: SHIB enters bearish domain at $0.00002144 2
SHIB/USD 1-Deeg Präis Chart Quell: TradingView

The Shiba Inu price analysis reveals the Relative Strength Index (RSI) score of 38, signifying an undervalued cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the RSI falls in the depreciation region. Therefore, following a downward approach signals declining characteristics and represents the selling activity outweighing the buying activity, causing the RSI score to decrease.

Shiba Inu Präis Analyse Conclusioun

The Shiba Inu price analysis reveals the market following a complete bearish movement, showing room for future depreciation of Shiba Inu. The bears currently dominate the market and are likely to maintain their dominion for a while. As a result, the market offers massive room for further declining activity, which could destabilize SHIB and lose more value.

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