Ripple Vs SEC: Eng endlos Schluecht


Bal zwee Joer si vergaangen zënter datt Ripple Geklomm vun der United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) konfrontéiert huet. De SEC verklot Ripple Labs Inc Enn 2020 fir Marketing XRP Tokens op senger Plattform. De SEC huet uginn datt et ënner onregistréierte Wäertpabeieren kënnt.

Bis Enn Oktober 2018 ware méi wéi honnert Banke registréiert, an déi meescht hunn ugefaang déi aktuell Messagerie Innovatioun vun Ripples X ze benotzen. Wéinst Sécherheetsprobleemer hu se d'Benotzung vun XRP Krypto-Währung vermeit.

Vun 2013 bis 2020 huet Ripple Labs Inc säi Kapital op $ 1.3 Milliarde (USD) erhéicht andeems se XRP Tokens op der Plattform verkafen. Am Dezember 2020 huet de SEC e Fall géint Ripple agereecht fir XRP Tokens ze verkafen.

As per the law in the US, if the court wins the case against Ripple, XRP will be considered as security rather than currency in the nation. It follows that similar cryptocurrencies will be considered as securities as well. So the hearing will be important to all digital asset shareholders, including blockchain developers and investors.

The SEC thought Larsen and Garlinghouse had started illegal trading with XRP even though the token was not registered under security. It was still offering users to buy XRP. The SEK added that Ripple profited from non-cash transactions and they pushed investors to pay in XRP to increase their token sales.

“As per the complaint registered in the file, it stated that in addition to promoting and structuring the XRP sales used to finance the company’s business, Lardsen and Garlinghouse also affected personal unregistered sales of XRP with a worth of $600 million (USD). The company alleges that defendants failed to register their offers and sales of XRP.”

wann der SEK rules in favor of Rappel, it will benefit the US regulators for future new innovations in blockchain technology platforms. It will ease the regulations in the US for the development of blockchains. If the decision goes against Ripple, it will lead investors to show less interest in the development of the crypto ecosystem

Recently, Ian Balina was sued by the SEC for marketing the SPARK coins. Later, CEO Sajad Daya and Sparkster decided to pay back $35 million (USD) to the users who lost their assets by buying SPARK tokens.
