Babyformelmangel bréngt Scammers eraus, warnt FTC

Sod Tatong | Moment | Getty Images

Scammers are exploiting a nationwide baby formula shortage, tricking consumers into paying hefty prices through fraudulent online stores, the Federal Trade Commission said Wednesday.

The con artists lure “desperate parents and caregivers” via fake websites or social media profiles with images and logos of recognizable formula brands, according to a Konsument Alarm. Consumers think they’re purchasing from a company’s official website but formula never arrives, the FTC said.

“Scammers exploiting the high demand for baby formula have sunk to new lows,” the agency said.

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A shortage of baby formula fréi ugefaangen in the Covid-19 pandemic, but has verschlechtert in recent weeks. The scarcity is deelweis wéinst to the closure of a Michigan manufacturing plant in February; two infants who consumed formula produced there caught bacterial infections and died.

D'Ernährung an Drogeverwaltung erreecht en Deal with the plant’s owner, Abbott Nutrition, the nation’s gréissten formula manufacturer, on Monday to help ease the shortage.

De White House sot lescht Woch it would make it easier to import formula from abroad, among other measures.

