Monatlecht Fuerschung Schlësseldaten - ETH Gaspräis ass ëm 14.4% eropgaang

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Schlëssel Daten

  • The number of tokens created on EVM networks decreased by 44% on average in April, compared to March.
  • Der Moyenne Zuel vun deeglech Transaktiounen op der Ethereum Netz ass am Abrëll ëm 3.5% erofgaang, am Verglach zum Mäerz.
  • Den duerchschnëttleche ETH Gaspräis ass am Abrëll ëm 14.4% eropgaang, am Verglach zum Mäerz.

From April 1, 2022, to April 30, 2022, 191,596 new blocks were created, compared to 199,275 on March 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022.

An average of 6,386 blocks were created each day in April, which was a 0.6% decrease from March at 6,428 blocks.

For the April period, 2,963,716,140,185 gas was spent (average of 98,790,538,006 daily), while in March 3,084,394,909,144 gas was spent (average of 99,496,609,972 daily) - a D'Differenz vun nëmmen 0.71%.

The average number of daily transactions decreased by 3.5%. In April, 33,602,162 transactions were completed (about 1,120,072 transactions daily), whereas 35,997,278 were completed in March (about 1,161,203 transactions daily).

Den duerchschnëttleche Ethereum Gaspräis war 47.77 GWEI am Mäerz an 54.67 GWEI am Abrëll ass geännert ginn +14.4% am Verglach mat gëschter.

To sum up, 0.71% less gas was spent in April than in March, but the average gas price rose by 14.4%, while 0.6% fewer new blocks were created, and the number of transactions decreased by 3.5%.

Kuckt d'Grafik hei ënnen fir den deegleche Gaspräis am Mäerz an Abrëll 2022.

Wat soen dës Donnéeën eis?

The amount of the gas fee is variable, set by the miners based on current supply and demand. The cost of Ethereum gas depends on several factors.

  • Aktuell Gas Nofro
  • De Besoin fir Rechenkraaft fir Smart Kontrakter ze veraarbecht
  • Total Zuel vun Transaktiounen
  • Komplexitéit vu Berechnungen wann Dir Smart Kontrakter Funktiounen ausféiert

Based on this, we can conclude that most likely users on the network spent more time interacting with more resource-intensive, complex transactions in smart contracts – rather than simple transactions, since the number of blocks and the number of transactions decreased but the gas prices rose in April.

According to the data, the creation of new ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network decreased slightly in April - by eight percent compared to March - while BSC token creation dramatically decreased by 43.7%. But if we compare, for example, the number of tokens in the BSC testnet, we can see significant swings of 50.2% and up (88,730 in March Abrëll erof op 41,186).

Looking at the general trend for the total tokens created on EVM networks over the last two months, in March 2022, we saw a sharp increase in the number of tokens compared to April, especially on the BSC testnet. This is evidence of projects testing their tokens and generally having a bullish outlook, expecting growth across the board.

But in April, the expectations of market players did not pan out, with the price chart for the main cryptocurrency stagnating and starting to dip downward. If we trace the number of tokens being created on EVM networks, we can see that it depends directly on the overall mood of the Maart, an dofir op der geschriwen Präisdiagramm, déi weider geet.

D'Donnéeën iwwer ERC-20 Tokens erstallt iwwer verschidden Netzwierker sinn wéi follegt.


  • Ethereum 6,673
  • BSC 82,819
  • BSC Testnet 88,730
  • Gnosis Kette (xDAI) 307
  • Polygon 6,517
  • Fantom 4,567
  • Avalanche 2,951


  • Ethereum 6,133
  • BSC 46,628
  • BSC Testnet 44,186
  • Gnosis Kette (xDAI) 498
  • Polygon 5,450
  • Fantom 2,620
  • Avalanche 1,706

Olga Ortega ass de Chef Produktoffizéier a Matgrënner vum Echtzäit DeFi Explorer AnalytEx vum HashEx. Si ass en erfuerene Expert am Beräich vun IT, mat iwwer 12 Joer an der Entwécklung an Ëmsetzung vu grousser Skala Datesystemer. Iwwer de Joren huet d'Olga Manager Positiounen a ville globalen Organisatiounen, wéi IT Risen Google a Facebook. Bei AnalytEx ass si verantwortlech fir d'Entwécklung vum Projet ze féieren.


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Featured Image: Shutterstock / Macrovector / Monkographic
