FTX Drainer verkeeft méi BNB, elo 34. gréisste Titulaire vun ETH

A crypto wallet connected to the suspected drain of FTX accounts austauscht a total of 34,000 BNB for 4,500 ether (ETH) and three million Binance USD (BUSD) this morning. It is now the 34th largest holder of ether.

Yesterday, the same wallet austauscht large amounts of the decentralized stablecoin dai for ether in a series of multimillion-dollar trades. The wallet currently holds at least $322 million in cryptocurrencies — 87.5% of which is ether.

The perpetrator has also been moving funds between their wallets. They consolidated $ 5.1 Milliounen der ETH an $ 3.3 Milliounen of ETH from two other wallets into their main wallet where the majority of the ether lies.

The source of these funds originated from the failed crypto exchange FTX. The transfers, which some speculate were a hack or an inside job, have been specifically noted in the latest court Filbing fir säi Kapitel 11 Failliteschutz.

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Source: https://www.theblock.co/post/187463/ftx-drainer-sells-more-bnb-now-34th-largest-holder-of-eth?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss