Residential Plattform Livly seet "Jo" op Krypto Bezuelungen

Residential payment platform for apartment communities Livly has developed a new mobile app that will allow people to pay their apartment rents with cryptocurrencies. In doing so, Livly has become the first in the multifamily industry to say “yes” to crypto payments.

Livly huet säin Häerz op Crypto opgemaach

The new Livly app will be available to renters in approximately 130 cities in the United States. Among the assets that the company is accepting for monthly rent payments are bitcoin and Ethereum, arguably the two largest digital assets available at the time of writing. The step was taken to give residents more flexibility in their payment options.

D'Beweegung dréckt d'Ziler vun bitcoin a seng digital Géigeparteien méi no erreecht ginn. Wat vill Leit wahrscheinlech vergiessen ass datt wärend Bitcoin a vill vu senge Krypto-Koseng entweder spekulativ oder souguer hedge-ähnlech Statusen an de leschte Joeren iwwerholl hunn, vill vun hinnen waren ufanks entworf fir als Bezuelmëttel ze déngen. Si goufe gebaut fir Schecken, Kreditkaarten a Fiat-Währungen op d'Säit ze drécken, awer dëst war eng relativ lues Rees wéinst der Volatilitéit déi se weider dréit.

Et ass extrem schwéier ze verstoen wann bitcoin a seng Krypto-Famill erop oder erof geet wann et ëm hir Präisser kënnt. Vill Geschäfter a Firmen hu sech zréckgezunn fir "Jo" ze soen wann et drëm geet fir Krypto Bezuelungen ze akzeptéieren aus dësem Grond, an zu engem gewësse Grad kënne mir hinnen net zouzeschreiwen.

Betruecht de folgende Szenario: een geet an e Geschäft a keeft $50 Wäert vu Wueren mat Bitcoin. Aus engem oder anere Grond handelt de Buttek de BTC net direkt a Fiat an ongeféier 24 Stonnen ginn eriwwer. Vun do aus geet de Präis vum BTC erof an datt $50 $40 gëtt. De Client kritt alles wat hien oder hatt kaaft huet, awer de Buttek huet um Enn Sue verluer. Ass dëst eng fair Situatioun? Net jiddereen mengt esou.

That’s what makes enterprises like Livly so important. They realize the initial purposes of bitcoin and digital currencies and are trying to transform them into usable tools everyday people can benefit from.

Livly founder and co-CEO Alex Samoylovich explained in an interview:

We want to offer residents who have cryptocurrency an additional option to pay their bills with the method they prefer. We are always looking for ways to enhance and expand resident convenience.

Trying to Be the First

Livly’s co-CEO Brian Duggan also threw his two cents into the mix, commenting:

One of Livly’s biggest strengths is in our ability to evolve, meet, and exceed the needs of our apartment communities using modern technology. Livly has always been at the forefront of innovative prop tech. It only makes sense for us to be the first resident mobile app to accept cryptocurrency for our residents nationwide.

Tags: bitcoin, crypto Bezuelen, Livly
