Ass Krypto Äntwert op laangjäreg Universal Basis Akommes (UBI) Conundrum?

Wéi crypto-aktivéiert Technologien weiderhin eng ëmmer méi Mainstream Traktioun gewannen, ass et kloer datt hir Notzung weider an d'Räicher erweidert, déi virdru geduecht waren als onvirstellbar (wéi verschidde Basisakommesschemaen). 

From the outside looking in, universal basic income (UBI) can be viewed as a socio-political fiscal transfer policy that seeks to provide individuals – living in a certain region – with seamless access to a legally stipulated stipend without any caveats involved. Such a scheme is applicable on multiple levels, i.e. nationally, regionally, or locally with the idea having garnered a lot of interest from governments across the globe.

Wéi och ëmmer, trotz dësem wuessenden Interessi gouf et keng Länner déi tatsächlech erfollegräich waren en UBI Modell fir eng bedeitend Zäit ëmzesetzen, och wann e puer Regierungen ähnlech-thematesch Programmer lancéiert hunn fir déi noutwenneg Sektiounen vun hire jeweilege Gesellschaften ze bidden. .

For example, back in 2011, the middle-east nation of Iran rolled out an unconditional cash transfer scheme – worth approximately $45 – for its population in an effort to phase-out subsidies on bread, water, electricity, heating, and fuel. The amount was about 29% percent of the nation’s median household income on average. However, the program had to be dialed back as some Iranians came to believe that it was disincentivizing people to work.

The largest and longest-lasting UBI experiment in the world is currently taking place in Kenya, where a charitable organization called GiveDirectly has been doling out monetary handouts to a little over 20,000 people, spread out across 245 rural villages, since 2016.

Dat gesot, eng vun de Schlësselkritiken vum UBI war datt et dacks ze vill Sue fir Famillen gëtt, déi d'Hëllef net wierklech brauchen, wärend wéineg Hëllef fir déi Leit gëtt, déi et wierklech maachen.

Crypto, DeFi and UBI – The Larger Picture

There’s no denying the fact that the cryptocurrency industry – the decentralized finance (DeFi) market, in particular – has been able to accrue a lot of wealth for its early adopters, with many of these individuals now looking to give back to the underprivileged. Infact, just recently many seasoned industry personnel such as Ryan Selkis, Dan Matuszewski, Haseeb Quresh, amongst others promised to donate 1% of their wealth to charities through a project called The Giving Block.

In this regard, the idea underlying a crypto-generated UBI scheme too has garnered a lot of attention recently. For example, GoodDollar is an initiative that uses yield farming to dole out digital asset-hinged stablecoins for free so as to promote financial inclusion on a global scale. To elaborate, the project creates and issues a stablecoin ($G) which can then be distributed daily to its users in the form of a universal basic income (UBI). To date, the GoodDollar has helped distribute a total of $223,673.27 as free income to its backers.

De Modell gëtt propagéiert vun Netz Participanten déi weider Verméigen op der Plattform deposéieren an duerno Bauerenhaff se mat dezentraliséierte Finanzen (DeFi) Protokoller abegraff Compound oder Aave ausginn. Eng Majoritéit vun den ugesammelten Zënsen gëtt un seng Unhänger zréckginn, während de Rescht als Garantie fir nei $G Tokens benotzt gëtt, déi dann all Dag verdeelt ginn.

Et ass derwäert ze ernimmen datt spéider d'lescht Joer populär digital Verméigen Investitiounsplattform eToro ugekënnegt huet datt et $ 1 Millioun fir de Protokoll wäert engagéieren, an doduerch den Effort vun der Nonprofit ënnerstëtzen fir d'Verméigensparitéit ze hëllefen déi weltwäit existéiert mat DeFi a Smart Kontrakt Technologie .

Other similar initiatives include Global Income Coin, a crypto non-profit that delivers a universal basic income of $1 a day to any person in need situated in any part of the planet.  The initiative was recently able to raise $2M worth of funding from Sid Sijbrandij, the co-founder and CEO of GitLab Inc. Lastly, since the start of the year, ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has been talking about the possibility of a Bitcoin powered UBI platform that can help combat global poverty.

UBI on the Horizon Thanks to Crypto Tech?

Wéi crypto-aktivéiert Technologien weiderhin eng ëmmer méi Mainstream Traktioun gewannen, ass et kloer datt hir Notzung weider an d'Räicher erweidert, déi virdru geduecht waren als onvirstellbar (wéi verschidde Basisakommesschemaen).

An dëser Hisiicht, wéi ëmmer méi Firmen aus dem Räich vun traditionelle Finanzen ufänken méi bewosst ze ginn, kënne si kleng Zomme Sue fir Protokoller wéi GoodDollar a Global Income Coin spenden fir déi an Nout ze hëllefen mat der Blockchain Technologie ze hëllefen. Et wäert also interessant sinn ze gesinn, wéi d'Zukunft vun dëser Finanznisch vun hei un ofgeet.

Aarbecht Et

Vum Andy Watson

Kuckt w.e.g. déi lescht Neiegkeeten, Expertkommentaren an Industrieinsiicht vu Coinspeaker Mataarbechter.
