Krypto-Politikgruppen nennen Tornado Cash Sanktiounen 'onbekannt an onrechtlech' an engem neie juristesche Kuerz 

• 2. Juni 2023, 2:17 EDT

The Blockchain Association called the U.S. Treasury Department’s decision to sanction Tornado Cash “unprecedented and unlawful” in a new amicus brief it filed with DeFi Education Fund.

The Treasury Department last year sanctioned Tornado Cash, the open-source software that can be used to anonymize transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. The move was met with pushback by crypto advocates, including the Washington, D.C. policy nonprofit Coin Center, which e Prozess fonnt against the Treasury Department over the sanctions. 

The Blockchain Association, a crypto advocacy group in D.C., filed a legal brief in support of Coin Center’s case this week, alongside DeFi Education Fund, a nonpartisan research and advocacy group.

"Et ass kritesch ze erkennen datt Tornado Cash einfach e Tool ass - d'Instrument selwer bestrooft einfach well et vu jidderengem benotzt ka ginn, och schlecht Akteuren, entsprécht de Wäerter, op deem dëst Land gegrënnt gouf", sot de Blockchain Association CEO Kristin Smith an engem Ausso.

"Blockchain Association steet mam Coin Center, a plädéiert fir déi verantwortlech a gesetzlech Notzung vun der Blockchain Technologie. Reguléierungsaktioune sollten nëmme fir schlecht Akteuren gezielt ginn, déi dëst Tool fir illegal Zwecker mëssbrauchen ", huet de Smith derbäigesat. 

Crypto exchange Coinbase is backing anere Fall targeting the department over the sanctions. The Blockchain Association has also filed an Amicus in that case. Both lawsuits argue that the government overstepped its authority by targeting software, rather than an individual or entity, among other issues.

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