Vergläicht Big Eyes Coin, Aave, an Uniswap: Wat ass den Ënnerscheed?

You must have heard about decentralized finance (DeFi) and how cryptocurrencies like Big Eyes Coin (BIG), Aave (AAVE), and Uniswap (UNI) use this platform. There has been a visible rise in the popularity of the cryptocurrencies that use the DeFi platform. All three cryptocurrencies have been making waves in the global crypto community because of their innovative features, accessibility, and ease of use.

It makes the job of an investor or trader far more difficult to decide which one is the right option. This article will bring to light certain details of each of these cryptocurrencies that make them different from each other and help you in making the right move.

Big Eyes Coin

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is one of the latest entrants in the world of cryptocurrencies. The cat-themed meme coin is making headlines for the right reasons as it has accumulated around $25 million in its presales which have entered stage 11. It is a decentralized exchange that lets users trade cryptocurrency without an intermediary.

Big Eyes Coin is available on the Ethereum blockchain, which not only makes it decentralized but also lets it operate without a central authority. It gives you absolute control over your holdings and anyone can trade their holdings with other traders without having to answer any authority.

One of the features that make Big Eyes Coin stand out from its peers is the ease of use. Its platform is designed keeping in mind the user-friendly aspect, and anyone can start trading in it within a space of a few minutes. Moreover, its trading fee is much lower as compared to many other cryptocurrencies, thereby making it a pocket-friendly option for crypto traders.


Aave (AAVE), a decentralized platform on the Ethereum blockchain, is known for lending and borrowing purposes. It lets users lend cryptocurrencies on a peer-to-peer (P2P) basis. Being a decentralized platform, users don’t need a central entity’s authorization for P2P transactions.

Aave comes with several innovative features, such as flash loans. This kind of loan allows you to take and repay a loan within a single transaction. That’s why Aave is also used for arbitrage purposes, which gives users the opportunity to avail of price differentials across different exchanges.

Aave is a token-based cryptocurrency that benefits its users in many ways, including reduced risk and increased security. Aave users get competitive interest rates, which is a big attraction for the ones looking to earn passive income through lending money.


Uniswap (UNI) is yet another cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain that is a decentralized exchange. Being a decentralized exchange, Uniswap allows its users to trade in cryptocurrencies without any central authority’s supervision. Uniswap is known more for its innovative Automated Market Maker (AMM) system.

Talking about its benefits, Uniswap offers something that is not available with every other cryptocurrency out there:  liquidity. Its platform offers access to a huge pool of cryptocurrency pairs, which allows users to choose from a long list of assets. Moreover, it also offers low trading charges, thereby making it a cost-effective solution for traders.

Uniswap also offers a user-friendly interface, which is quite an attraction for newcomers. Some of the other key features include the ability to trade tokenized assets and access to a range of DeFi tools and services.

How Do They Fare Against Each Other?

Let’s compare Big Eyes Coin, Aave, and Uniswap to know what makes them unique from each other and what similar features they offer to their users.

a) Ease of Use

Wéi schonn erwähnt ass Big Eyes Coin and Uniswap have an easy-to-use interface that makes it comfortable for newcomers to get a hang of things in the world of cryptocurrencies. On the flip side, Aave doesn’t offer this luxury and only expert traders are able to use its interface.

b) Security

All three cryptocurrencies are on the Ethereum blockchain, which means each of them offers the top level of security and decentralization to its users. On the contrary, it also exposes them to security risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities. However, users can maintain security by using a secure wallet or keeping their private keys safe.

c) Fees

Big Eyes Coin and Uniswap again are at an advantage when it comes to transaction fees. That’s why both of them are preferred by the new entrants or the ones looking for cheaper options. Aave does offer competitive rates but its lending fees can vary on the platform.


Big Eyes Coin and Uniswap very much offer similar features but Aave is a different product in nature as it offers flash loans and token-based lending.

Finale Schied

Traders or investors should always take into account the market environment and evolving trends before making their move in the crypto world. All three above-mentioned cryptocurrencies are top-notch DeFi platforms that benefit their respective users in their own way. Whether you’re a rookie trader or an experienced one, you can start or further your crypto journey with any of Big Eyes Coin, Uniswap, or Aave.

At the end of the day, it is your needs and goals that will define which is the best platform for you.

Fannt méi iwwer Big Eyes Coin (BIG):




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