Ankr Crypto Protocol Exploit verluer $ 15 Milliounen

  • October 2022 is the month with the most number of crypto hacks.  

On December 2, 2022, An anonymous group of hackers drained around $15 million in liquidity from BNB Chain-based staking platform Helio after exploiting an oracle issue with the platform’s on-chain data. 

Oracles are third-party services that collect outsourced data from several other blockchains. Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols use oracles to ensure their lending, borrowing, and other services are accurate.  

Helio exploitation update came into the limelight an hour after the DeFi platform Ankr was attacked, and around $5 million were stolen from the DeFi platform. According to the report, the attackers were able to mint six quadrillion aBNBc tokens, and after minting, the attackers changed them into five million USDC stablecoins. 

Moreover, it is difficult to predict whether the same group of hackers operated the attacks. 

According to Blockchain data on Friday morning, the Helio attacker acquired around 183K aBNBc tokens using 10 BNB and further delayed oracle data on Helio, then allowed the attacker to borrow a sum of $16 million of HAY stablecoins.   

Nowadays, crypto attacks and hacks are quite common, and as per reliable reports, November 2022 is the month in which most crypto attacks occur.

Earlier on November 1, 2022, peak shield published its data regarding Krypto hacks. It was noted that around $3 billion was looted in October, double the total amount in 2021.

Déi gréissten digital Verméigen Hacks sinn am Oktober geschitt, an déi zweetgréissten ass am Mäerz 2022 geschitt, mat $710 Milliounen u geklauten Fongen. Déi meescht vun deenen hunn d'Exploitatioun vun der Ronin Bréck gefouert, déi op 625 Milliounen Dollar belaf ass.

According to PeckShield data, the biggest hack occurred in October 2022, with the BNB chain causing a loss of about $586 million.

Den 12. Oktober huet d'Mango Markets gesot datt et en Hack erlieft huet well en Hacker en Orakelpräis beaflosst an d'Liquiditéit geschloen huet. Bal $ 100 Millioune schéngen am Hack geschloen ze sinn. 

Wat geschitt ass e selbstfinanzéierten wirtschaftlechen Ausbeutung mam Hacker deen e Kont mat bal $5.5 Milliounen USDC ausfëllt. Si hunn dat dunn benotzt fir en éiwege Futureskontrakt fir de MNGO Token erauszebréngen an dergéint gehandelt hunn.

On October 2, 2022, A Twitter post from Transit Swap’s official account created an environment of turmoil among investors. The notification was regarding a hack in the Transit Swap Ecosystem of around $ 23 million U.S dollars.'
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