Wäert Feed3's Axie Infinity Partnerschaft Traditionell Spiller op de Blockchain bréngen?

According to a Globant and YouGov survey, only 53% of the 1000 gamers questioned were interested in working inside a gaming platform if they were able to earn cryptocurrency. And a total of 81% of gamers had never purchased an NFT.

Across the mainstream gaming space, the idea of using a play-to-earn game on a blockchain is either met with healthy scepticism or simply no adverse reaction at all. There seems to be a strong divide between the community of blockchain gamers and the community of traditional gamers. But does it always have to be this way?

Emerging and, in many ways, revolutionary Feed 3 is the first feedback-to-earn blockchain gaming protocol aimed at making play-to-earn games more enjoyable for all. With a streamlined focus on improving blockchain games, could this new crypto protocol bridge the gap between mainstream players and crypto gamers?

Axie Infinity Had Hoped To Bring Normal Gamers To The Blockchain World

Axie Infinity is a blockchain that looks like an ordinary game you could buy in a shop. Many crypto enthusiasts predicted that this play-to-earn experience would make the transition from mainstream games to normal games seamless.

In 2021, Axie Infinity gained just under 2 million monthly players. The native token, AXS, reached a market capitalization of nearly $10 billion and a price of $160. For perspective, at its market release, AXS cost $0.13.

However, despite its success. It became clear that Axie Infinity was not the bridge that it thought it would be. And the worlds of mainstream and blockchain games remained separate.

Feed3 Is The Protocol For Both Gamers And Blockchain Developers

Feed3 is really unlike any other cryptocurrency before. A protocol that helps both game developers and players, Feed3 is the first feedback-to-earn crypto ever. More similar to the job of a game tester, users can earn FD3, the native token, by providing feedback on play-to-earn blockchain games.

A passive income can be earnt on Feed3 by providing audio feedback.  Despite being in presale, Feed3 has already partnered with major blockchain games Axie Infinity, Upland, Momo Verse and Lightnite.

Feed3 is tapping into several unexplored markets with high demand. Developers of blockchain games undoubtedly want to understand how to provide an experience that performs well to retain investors for as long as possible. A happy player will generate more income for them.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, a player can earn additional income by providing feedback to Feed3. This then contributes to a better-designed, fairer blockchain game which might mean they could earn more money within the game too. Feed3 provides a win-win solution for all.

Will Feed3 Bring Mainstream Players To Play-To-Earn Games?

Perhaps the biggest reason mainstream gamers have resistance to using the play-to-earn model is they want to maintain that games should be fun. It seems that many blockchain games have focused solely on the play-to-earn model and left the video game experience as an afterthought. Feed3 would help these games seize the potential of not only bettering their designs but also turning blockchain games more into AAA experiences.

Fir méi Informatiounen iwwer de Projet:

Virverkaaf: https://feed3.io/buy#buy-area  

Websäit: https://feed3.io

Telegramm: https://t.me/Feed3Official

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/13/will-feed3s-axie-infinity-partnership-bring-traditional-gamers-to-the-blockchain/