China enthüllt Blockchain Datenaustausch op der Hangzhou Konferenz!

Crypto Live Neiegkeeten

Auteur: Mustafa Mulla

Mustafa schreift zënter ville Joeren iwwer Blockchain a Krypto. Hien huet fréier Handelserfahrung an huet zënter 2017 an der Fintech Industrie geschafft.

Hangzhou unveils a blockchain-based data exchange platform aimed at revolutionizing enterprise IT data trading. Developed by officials in the city’s High-tech Zone, the avant-garde platform is expected to redefine the way businesses handle data. Chen Chun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, describes the new platform as a pivotal development for enterprise data trading dynamics. The unveiling of the platform coincided with the 2023 Hangzhou Summit, which showcased the city’s progress in the tech industry.
