Benotzt dës 10-Minute Strategie fir Äert Bitcoin ze verdreiwen


The cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile, so finding a low-risk passive investment strategy, which offers sizable returns that remain the same under any market conditions ka schwéier sinn. 

Et gëtt eng Krypto-Investitiounsoptioun déi ëmmer méi populär gëtt wéi de Bierlaf weider geet. ArbiSmart is an interest-generating wallet and financial service ecosystem fueled by the native token, RBIS, which went erop 300% in September and is still climbing. 

d' EU autoriséiert a registréiert Projet bitt volatilitéitsbeständeg Utilities déi deeselwechte konsequente Rendement op Investitioun generéieren, souwuel a Bull- a Bärmäert, wärend minimale Risiko involvéiert an Null Iwwerwaachung oder Gestioun erfuerdert. 

ArbiSmart Benotzer kënnen e Gewënn vum éischten Dag ufänken, an de Prozess erfuerdert keng spezifesch Krypto oder allgemeng Maartkenntnisser.

Wéi de Portemonnaie Wierker

ArbiSmart’s interest-generating wallet offers leading rates of up to 147% a year, which remain the same whether the market is in an upturn or downturn.  It provides secure storage and interest on savings plans balances in 25 different supported FIAT and cryptocurrencies.


Fongen kënnen Zënsfräi gehal ginn, an engem verfügbaren Gläichgewiicht, deen ëmmer zougänglech bleift, oder se kënnen alldeeglech Interessi an engem gespaarte Spuerplang generéieren. De Portemonnaiehalter kann Fongen fir 1 Mount, 3 Méint, 2 Joer, 3 Joer oder 5 Joer spären, e méi héije Zënssaz verdéngen, wat méi laang d'Spuerzäit ass. 

RBIS Besëtz

De Portemonnaiehalter Kontniveau decides what interest rate they receive, and the account level is determined by how much RBIS they own.  Put another way, more RBIS means a higher interest rate on balances in Bitcoin, Euro or any of the other currencies supported by the wallet.

RBIS savings balances earn much higher rates than balances in any other FIAT or cryptocurrency. However, if a wallet holder prefers to keep their capital in another currency, they can still earn a generous rate.


How to open a wallet in well under 10 minutes

  1. Register with ArbiSmart, by completing a brief 1-minute form;
  2. to earn interest, you need to purchase 1,000 RBIS, which will raise your account status to Beginner Account Level 1. This can be done in just a couple of clicks  through the RBIS Gestioun page in the dashboard;
  3. deposit funds in any of the wallet’s 25 supported FIAT or digital currencies;
  4. choose the currency and time frame for the savings plan. Then decide how to receive your interest, which is paid out daily.  It can be automatically sent to a separate available balance, where it can be withdrawn any time, or for a better return, it can be locked in the savings plan, along with the capital on which it is being earned.  Alternatively, it can generate the highest rates if it is paid in RBIS, rather than the currency of the savings plan and remains locked until the savings plan expires;
  5. finally choose an amount to deposit.

an dat ass et ...

Elo, fuert weider mat Ärem Dag, wärend Dir ufänkt deeglech Gewënn ze verdéngen.


Wéi bleift de Risiko niddereg, während d'Tariffer héich bleiwen

Wann e Benotzer Fongen an engem ArbiSmart Portemonnaie deposéiert huet, ginn dës Fongen benotzt fir ze maachen automatiséierte Krypto Arbitrage. Crypto arbitrage is an exceptionally low risk investing strategy that takes advantage of brief windows in which a coin is available across various exchanges at different prices at the same time. These temporary price disparities are a common occurrence, and they arise because of a difference in trading volume or liquidity between larger and smaller exchanges. They emerge just as regularly in a bull or bear market, so they generate predictable, consistent profits, making crypto arbitrage a great hedge against falling prices. 


The ArbiSmart system, which is fully automated, is connected to nearly 40 exchanges, where it tracks hundreds of available coins simultaneously, 24/7. When it identifies a price difference across exchanges the algorithm instantly buys at the lowest price then sells at the highest to generate a profit. 

Why RBIS is projected to rise in value

Rising demand combined with a shrinking supply are pushing up the RBIS price. In fact, analyst are projecting bis Enn 35 op 2022 Mol den aktuelle Wäert eropgoen.

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To begin with, more RBIS is getting locked in savings plans and smart contracts, taking it out of general circulation, and limiting the finite supply. The amount of RBIS that can be created is forever capped at 450 million RBIS, so as the supply shrinks and the demand rises, the price is set to shoot up.   


Driving demand even higher is the fact that in Q4 2022 and early 2023, a number of additional utilities are being added to the ArbiSmart ecosystem, all of which will require use of RBIS.  

Each of these new services will offer its own source of passive profits from gaming, yield farming and trading while also increase the token value, meaning great capital gains for RBIS owners.

Zukünfteg RBIS Utilities:

  1. Eng mobil Applikatioun fir ënnerstëtzte Verméigen ze kafen, austauschen an ze späicheren (2022)
  2. An NFT marketplace for buying and selling non-fungible tokens (2022)
  3. Eng ArbiSmart NFT Sammlung mat Utility iwwer den Ökosystem (2022) 
  4. An innovative DeFi protocol with never-before-seen gamification features. Yield farmers will be able to loan funds and provide liquidity in return for up to 190,000% APY plus 0.3% of the fees from each trade, while boosting profits using ArbiSmart NFTs (2022)
  5. A play-to earn gaming metaverse where participants will be able to create, buy, build on and sell digital plots of land for real-world revenue (2023)
  6. E professionnelle Austausch fir de Kaf a Verkaf vu Krypto-Währungen (2023)


RBIS owners will enjoy better terms when using more than one service across the ecosystem So, exchange users will receive discounted fees when paying in RBIS. This will further increase liquidity and boost demand, as will the interlinked nature of all the RBIS utilities. 

For example, metaverse users will be able to purchase in-game objects and characters through the NFT marketplace, while yield farmers will be able to use an ArbiSmart NFT to boost their score in the Defi Protokoll.

ArbiSmart (RBIS) is continuing to climb, even as other major coins are having difficulty retaining value, providing great capital gains for wallet-holders.  Meanwhile, opening a wallet is fast, easy and profitable, generating industry-high interest rates, whichever direction the market moves.   

Fir déi nächst 72 Stonnen, ab dem Datum vun der Verëffentlechung vun dësem Artikel, bitt ArbiSmart gratis Ufänger Level 1 Kont Status, ouni d'Ufuerderung fir 1,000 RBIS ze kafen.

Fir un dëser Umeldungspromotioun deelzehuelen, a verdéngt alldeeglech Zënsen ab haut, elo e Portmonni opmaachen!

* Dësen Artikel gouf bezuelt. De Cryptonomist huet den Artikel net geschriwwen an huet och net d'Plattform getest.
