Proof-Of-Profit: Ethereum Mining bréngt Besser ROI wéi Bitcoin

Data suggests Ethereum mining has consistently been providing a better ROI than Bitcoin since the beginning of 2021.

Mining Ethereum Has Been More Profitable Than Mining Bitcoin

No der läscht Wochenzeitung Rapport vun Arcane Fuerschung, ETH miners’ revenue has been higher than BTC in the past year.

De relevanten Indikator hei ass de "daily miner revenue,” which measures the total amount of revenue that miners have earned on any given day.

In the case of Bitcoin, the block subsidy of 6.25 BTC per block has been the main contributor to mining revenues for a while now.

The transaction fees has been rather aarmséileg since the summer of last year, making up only 1% of BTC miners’ earnings.

For Ethereum, on the contrary, the transaction fees do make up a large part of the miners’ revenue. This, however, means that their earnings can wildly vary from day to day.

This is because transaction fees depends on how strong the demand on the network is, which certainly doesn’t remain stable.

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For example, just last Sunday the ETH transaction fees amounted to around $231 million, many times more than the $27 million average for 2022.

Now, here is a chart that shows how the Bitcoin and Ethereum mining revenues have compared with each other since the start of 2022:

Bitcoin Vs Ethereum Mining Revenues

It seems like ETH miners have enjoyed a higher amount of revenue during the period | Source: Arcane Research's The Weekly Update - Woch 17, 2022

As you can see in the above graph, Ethereum miners have been raking in consistently more revenue than Bitcoin miners for quite a while now.

However, besides the revenue being more volatile, ETH mining has another, larger drawback. It’s the fact that the crypto is planning to shift to proof-of-stake in Q3 of this year.

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Once the transition is complete, Ethereum miners won’t have any use on the network anymore, and so they may have to shift to mining another coin.

On the other hand, Bitcoin mining has a less uncertain future as the network is going to run proof-of-work for the foreseeable future.

ETH Präis

Zu der Zäit vum Schreiwen. De Präis vum Ethereum schwëmmt ronderëm $2.8k, erof 1% an de leschten siwen Deeg. Am leschte Mount huet d'Krypto 18% am Wäert verluer.

Déi ënnescht Grafik weist den Trend vum Präis vun der Mënz an de leschten fënnef Deeg.

Ethereum Präis Charts

Looks like the price of ETH has consolidated sideways over the last few days | Source: ETHUSD op TradingView

Both Bitcoin and Ethereum have been stagnating for a while now, and at the moment, it’s unclear when the cryptos may see some real price action.

Featured Image vun, Charts vun, Arcane Research
