Presale Sell-Out Sparks Whispers Gnox (GNOX) wäert méi wéi Bitcoin (BTC) an Ethereum (ETH) Gewënn iwwerwannen

A new cryptocurrency called “Gnox” could outpace Bitcoin and Ethereum, according to industry experts. Gnox is a treasury-backed token. That is, the token reflects treasury ownership. The treasury is funded by a 10% royalty on all its token aftermarket sales. That means that every time someone purchases its token, the treasury grows. It makes no difference which way the market is going. 

With its strong passive income utility, Gnox is already gaining traction with whales from top cryptocurrencies, and its popularity is expected to continue to grow.

Bitcoin (BTC) And Ethereum (ETH)

Bitcoin’s price is facing strong resistance near the USD 23,500 level. It is currently (03:51 UTC) trading near USD 23,300 and is up over 1% in a day and is unchanged in a week.

Similarly, the most popular altcoin is attempting a fresh increase. ETH moved above USD 1,700 and might accelerate if it clears USD 1,740.

Ether, Ethereum’s native token, has been continuing its uptrend against Bitcoin as euphoria around its upcoming network upgrade, “the Merge,” grows.

Meanwhile, technicals paint a brighter picture for Ethereum against the U.S. dollar. The potential for a 10% breakout for ETH/USD looks strong in August due to a classic bullish reversal pattern.

Wat ass GNOX (GNOX)?

Gnox, a protocol currently in its third presale phase, is taking no notice of the volatile market and is selling out fast, recording a 63% increase in price in recent weeks. Its presale sell-out has garnered a lot of attention from the market, and some crypto analysts say that it has the chance to outperform Bitcoin and Ethereum’s growth in the past weeks.

Gnox is the first protocol to offer yield farming as a service, which makes DeFi investment more approachable and straightforward. Gnox speeds this process through its treasury, which is utilized in DeFi protocols on behalf of the investor.

Gnox is the first investment vehicle to fully integrate the DeFi investing science. Holders of its tokens have the right to receive a stablecoin reflection every 30 days, which has turned out to be a well-liked passive income source among investors.

Gnox will have its official launch on August 18, 2022.

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