Liquid NFT: Next-Gen Bitcoin Mining Technologie op Äre Fanger

The world of cryptocurrency has always been, and will always be one which welcomes improvements, changes for the better and of course embraces the growth and implementation of cutting edge technologies which serve to heighten efficiency. 

In a community known for its pioneering spirit, Liquid are breaking the mould and introducing an asset backed NFT which grants ownership of liquid-cooled Bitcoin mining technology, a major shift in the market which is set to bring back Bitcoin mining to the people through the revolutionary technological properties of the Grouwen it gives access to.

The Last Word in the Bitcoin Mining Technology

The adoption of liquid cooling as a new and relatively unknown alternative to the more recognised methods of air-cooling, quite simply immerses mining machines into a liquid which is made up of synthetic hydrocarbon compound. The specialist qualities of this unique liquid means that it has the ability to  reduce not only the consumption of power but also the heat which is kicked out by the computers. It does all of this,  as well as considerably expands  the lifespan of the miner.

When we think of what you may call ‘traditional’  Bitcoin mining, we think of the systems which use air to cool the mining rigs, which is usually achieved by utilizing the cooling effects of fans with powerful ventilation. Introducing the liquid technology is in fact a solution to this long term issue and results in miners which not only last longer, but also operate to a significantly higher level. 

Open Access to All 

Many talented tech developers have devoted their efforts to cryptocurrency mining, while others have focused on more entrepreneurial pursuits such as developing exchanges, wallet services and alternative cryptocurrencies.

The concerns, which have grown significantly in recent years regarding the monopolisation of Bitcoin mining by large corporations are that this pushed out the smaller, original miners, those who pioneered the cause, and in fact, this goes against the very essence of the concept of Bitcoin, decentralised access, peer-to-peer network, and access to mining coins for everyone who has access to computers and electricity.

It seemed that Bitcoin mining was becoming accessible only to a privileged few, and indeed, it’s true that an individual setting out to engage in the mining process may encounter an array of problems. For starters, access to the newest technology is virtually impossible for an individual to have, due not only to the eye watering costs, but the fact that this technology is bought up by the big investors.

Add in the high retail cost for mining and electricity; low profit margins, the incredibly high risk based on market volatility and throw in the limited transparency of trust, and you have a mixture of elements which would offput the most determined explorer!

Mining Operation to Be Owned by the People

Now, a revolutionary new solution has been brought to the table, and is generating a level of excitement which is quite unheard of, set to turn the mining industry upside down, in the best possible way!

Liquid are creating the world’s largest and most profitable decentralised mining operation,  to be owned by the people. How is this possible you may ask?

The simple answer is this, by launching the very éischt NFT that gives you ownership of top performing bitcoin miners, powered by liquid immersion technology, providing maximum daily profits, equity of hard assets, and long-term passive income.

Ground breaking indeed, and with a host of advantages, the Liquid NFT works with liquid immersion cooling which provides a 25% increase in the performance of each miner.

Using highest performing 100+ th/s miners combined with the liquid cooling technology which allows miners to reach peak overclocking performance in any climate condition, therefore, considerably reducing the electricity consumption, the technology speaks for itself and with OEM with lowest cost direct from manufacturer, it is accessible to all.

Let’s look at this point more closely, and the opportunities available to those who decide to take ownership of a Liquid NFT. The rewards are remarkable. Enabling direct access to the highest performing miners at the lowest cost and of course, full blockchain transparency, owners also have the opportunity to sell your NFT in the open market should you choose to.

 Add to this one of the highest mining revenues  in the industry, 1st access to each new generation of miner, profitable mining in any market conditions, and finally,  full integration of liquid immersion technology for 25% performance increase, and you have an opportunity quite unlike anything we have seen before.

Bringing Bitcoin mining back to its roots, staying true to the original philosophy, Liquid NFT’s are set to redefine the mining industry as we know it, making it once again inclusive, not exclusive.
