Ass Ethereum prett fir Bitcoin ze iwwerwannen? Top Analyst Benjamin Cowen Updates ETH / BTC Ausbléck

Cryptocurrency strategist Benjamin Cowen is weighing in on the potential performance of Ethereum (ETH) relative to Bitcoin (BTC) going forward.

In a new YouTube video, Cowen tells his 783,000 subscribers that the Bitcoin dominance chart (BTC.D), which tracks how much of the total crypto market capitalization belongs to BTC, appears to be on a strong uptrend.

Meanwhile, the crypto analyst says that the Ethereum versus Bitcoin (ETH/BTC) chart appears to be going in the opposite direction.

"Fir mech gesäit dëst just nach méi héich no der anerer aus fir Bitcoin Dominanz.

A fir Ether / Bitcoin gesäit et just aus wéi een nidderegen Héich nom aneren, richteg? Just een nidderegen Héich nom aneren.

All Kéier wann mir e méi nidderegen Héich kréien, jäizt jidderee vun den Daacher datt dëst et ass an d'Flippen ass endlech hei. Dir séier e puer Wochen weider an Dir kuckt just zréck a roden wat? Et ass just eng aner niddereg Héicht."

Cowen also says that one of the reasons why the ETH/BTC pair is not falling as fast as it did during the 2018-2019 bear market is due to the amount of liquidity sloshing in the system.

“One reason that it might be taking so much longer instead of just going down as quickly as it did back over here [2018/2019] is just that there’s so much more liquidity in the system today than there was back in 2018 and 2019…

There’s just so much more liquidity in the game and it’s just taking a lot longer for the Federal Reserve to remove that liquidity, but the liquidity is being removed.”


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