Hei ass wann de Bitcoin a Crypto Bear Maart Enn wäert, laut deVere Group CEO Nigel Green

Financial advisory firm deVere Group CEO Nigel Green is optimistic that the crypto bear market is months away from coming to an end.

Gréng seet that the prices of Bitcoin (BTC) and other crypto assets will rise once inflation starts slowing down and the central banks begin loosening monetary policy.

According to Green, the assets that depreciated following the rate hikes such as cryptocurrencies could start rallying in April 2023.

"Verméigen déi am meeschte profitéiert hunn vun nidderegen Zënssätz goufen natierlech am 2022 am haardsten duerch d'Erhéijung getraff. Dës enthalen Aktien, besonnesch am Tech Secteur, a Krypto-Währungen, ënner anerem Risiko Verméigen.

We expect as the program unwinds, which is likely to be in the second quarter of 2023, these will be the assets that will experience some of the biggest rallies.

Although the high-octane rush of previous rallies is unlikely, instead we will see a steadier, continued upward trajectory for Bitcoin when the unwind kicks off.”

Arguing that “confidence is creeping back into the markets,” Green says that the current price of Bitcoin is attractive to long-term investors.

“Many serious, long-term investors will be using the current lower valuations as a buying opportunity…

One good thing about the hikes has been that as the sugar rush of free money faded away, we could see the real value of assets.

Despite coming down 70% from its hype and heat-fuelled November 2021 high, Bitcoin remains the best-performing asset class of the decade.”

Bitcoin handelt am Moment vum Schreiwen op $ 16,632.

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Disclaimer: Meenungen ausgedréckt am The Daily Hodl sinn net Investitiounsberodung. D'Investisseure sollten hir Due Diligence maachen ier se héich riskéiert Investitiounen an Bitcoin, cryptocurrency oder digital Verméige maachen. Gitt u Berodung datt Är Transferen an Trades op Ären eegene Risiko sinn, an all Verloscht déi Dir leet, ass Är Verantwortung. Den Daily Hodl empfeelt net de Kaf oder de Verkaf vu Krypto-Währungen oder digital Verméigen, an och ass den Daily Hodl keen Investitiounsberoder. W.e.g. notéiert datt den Daily Hodl am Partnermarketing matmaacht.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/andreync/Fotomay

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/26/heres-when-the-bitcoin-and-crypto-bear-market-will-end-according-to-devere-group-ceo-nigel-green/